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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Eve of Acapella 2014

Eve of Acapella 2014 Organized by the United Students’ Circle of Royal College was held on 1st of February 2014 from 6.00pm onwards at The Navarangahala, Royal College.
Eve of Acapella 2014

Initiated in the year 2010, Eve of Acapella, organized for the 3rd occasion this year by the United Students’ Circle of Royal College, the event surpasses the normal musical events in the mainstream, due to its special emphasis for the little known yet amazing field of music known as ‘Acapella singing’. With the American National College as the Main sponsor, Etisalat as the Co-sponsor and TNL Radio as the official media partner of the event.

The Navarangahala Royal College

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