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Musaeus College Careers Day 2018

Musaeus College Careers Day 2018 was held on 19th January, 2018 at Musaeus College, Colombo 07. The Musaeus College Past Pupils’ Association hosted this event for students sitting for the Advanced Level examinations in 2018. It was a unique career development conference designed to enable students to have a greater understanding of educational and career opportunities and to assist them in making meaningful and informed career choices. This unparalleled event had a lineup of premium speakers to guide, mentor and inspire the students. They are celebrated captains of industry and top corporate trainers. The students enjoyed the day full of lessons and insights that will be invaluable as they journey towards their personal goals.
Musaeus College Careers Day 2018

Musaeus College Careers Day 2018 was held on 19th January, 2018 at Musaeus College, Colombo 07.

The Musaeus College Past Pupils’ Association hosted this event for students sitting for the Advanced Level examinations in 2018. It was a unique career development conference designed to enable students to have a greater understanding of educational and career opportunities and to assist them in making meaningful and informed career choices.

This unparalleled event had a lineup of premium speakers to guide, mentor and inspire the students. They are celebrated captains of industry and top corporate trainers. The students enjoyed the day full of lessons and insights that will be invaluable as they journey towards their personal goals.

19th of January 2018
8.00 a.m onwards
School Auditorium

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