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Vocalize 2014

Vocalize 2014 (Season 2) - The musical reality show organized by the Music Circle of Ananda College, which is the Biggest Inter-School Musical Competition, was held on 9th of July 2014 from 9am onwards at Kularathne Hall, Ananda College, Colombo.
Vocalize 2014

Vocalize 2014 (Season 2) - The musical reality show organized by the Music Circle of Ananda College, which is the Biggest Inter-School Musical Competition, was held on 9th of July 2014 from 9am onwards at Kularathne Hall, Ananda College, Colombo.
It’s not a fact to emphasize that Music Circle of Ananda College renders a massive service to nourish the music career of the youth of Sri Lanka. As another milestone in our voyage, we are proud to present “Vocalize 2014” - Inter-school Singing Competition in connection with the grand musical concert “Rhythm of the Maroons 2014”
Amongst the Youth of our country, our aim is to extract the gist of voices to perform on our concert stage as the best solo and choir performances. Top final performance will be done on the day of the main event and the performances will be judged by professional musicians as for the board of judges.
For More Information

Photographed By : Anjula Hettige
Official Photographer at

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