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MIES 2016 - University of Peradeniya

The first ever Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES) organised by the Department of production Engineering, University of Peradeniya was held on 22nd October 2016 from 8.30am onwards at the Waters Edge, colombo with the presence of industrialists, academics and researchers to discuss, share and showcase their needs, views, findings, technologies and creations.
MIES 2016 - University of Peradeniya

The first ever Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES) organised by the Department of production Engineering, University of Peradeniya was held on 22nd October 2016 from 8.30am onwards at the Waters Edge, colombo with the presence of industrialists, academics and researchers to discuss, share and showcase their needs, views, findings, technologies and creations.

22nd October 2016
8.30am onwards
Waters Edge

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