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KDU Intake Night 2019 - XXXV

The sophomore gala night of intake XXXV - General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Intake Night 2019 was held in the ravishing Ramadia Ranmal Hotel premises on February 2nd 2019. Lt Col RA Samaranayake USP psc representing Dean-Faculty of defence and strategic studies, squadron commander of intake XXXV, troop commanders of intake XXXV raced the occasion. Intake 35 day scholars including the student officers had an extraordinary night to mesmerize their year at glance amidst fun games, thumping music & scrumptious meals. Sandun Kaushalya & Chanubha Thathsarani were crowned as the intake king and queen.
KDU Intake Night 2019 - XXXV

The sophomore gala night of intake XXXV - General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Intake Night 2019 was held in the ravishing Ramadia Ranmal Hotel premises on February 2nd 2019. Lt Col RA Samaranayake USP psc representing Dean-Faculty of defence and strategic studies, squadron commander of intake XXXV, troop commanders of intake XXXV raced the occasion. Intake 35 day scholars including the student officers had an extraordinary night to mesmerize their year at glance amidst fun games, thumping music & scrumptious meals. Sandun Kaushalya & Chanubha Thathsarani were crowned as the intake king and queen. The night of glamour concluded gifting the invitees a bunch of reminisces to enjoy sipping a coffee.

02nd of February 2019
6.00PM onwards
Ramadia Hotel

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