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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Surge 2014 - A Run To Make A Difference

The first leg of the run will be held in Kandy on 15th February 2014, and the second leg in Colombo on 1st March 2014. All proceeds of the charity run will be in aid of the Tellepalai Cancer Hospital in Jaffna and the Maharagama Cancer Hospital.
Surge 2014 - A Run To Make A Difference

Skylinelive in association with Colours of Courage will be having a dual leg Charity run fund raiser, ‘Surge’. The first leg of the run will be held in Kandy on 15th February 2014, and the second leg in Colombo on 1st March 2014. All proceeds of the charity run will be in aid of the Tellepalai Cancer Hospital in Jaffna and the Maharagama Cancer Hospital. The aim of the run is to help raise the necessary funds to cure, prevent cancer patients and eventually eradicate cancer in Sri Lanka.

15th of February 2014
Kandy and Colombo

Photographed By : Ignatious Jayathilake
Administrator/Photographer at

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