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Rez Gateway - Annual Year-End Celebrations '17

Rez Gateway, marking its momentous milestone of 15 years of delivering service excellence and persistently maintaining its preeminence in the travel technology industry hosted it's annual year-end celebrations at the Global Towers Colombo on 16th of December 2017. Moreover, commemorating the collective dedication and hard work of the employees, a special awards presentation was also hosted.
Rez Gateway - Annual Year-End Celebrations '17

Rez Gateway, marking its momentous milestone of 15 years of delivering service excellence and persistently maintaining its preeminence in the travel technology industry hosted it's annual year-end celebrations at the Global Towers, Colombo on 16th of December 2017. Moreover, commemorating the collective dedication and hard work of the employees, a special awards presentation was also hosted.
It was a Night with Shades of Blue with Splendid Music and Fun.

16th of December 2017
7PM onwards
Global Towers, Colombo

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