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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Broadway 360

The Feast of Illusion 'Broadway 360' took place on the 22nd of December 2018 at the Royal MAS Arena. The evening presented a fusion of music from EDM ,Jazz, Blues, Rock, Hip Hop to Acoustic, that enhanced the very zest of the concert.
Broadway 360

The Feast of Illusion 'Broadway 360' took place on the 22nd of December 2018 at the Royal MAS Arena. The evening presented a fusion of music from EDM ,Jazz, Blues, Rock, Hip Hop to Acoustic, that enhanced the very zest of the concert.

The Broadway 360 stage was taken over by artists and bands such as Iraj Weerarathne, Nadeemal Perera, Stefani Sansoni, Dhanith Sri, Kaizer Kaiz, Chamel Shav, Bass Craft, Elecrto Doctors, Double Black, Gravity and many more. A large audience was present to witness the enthusiasm of the concert, for it provided a line up of the top artists in Sri Lanka, who brought to the stage a diverse blend of musical entertainment.

The Feast of Illusion was proudly brought to life by Illusion, and the crowd had a novel experience well fit to enjoy the celebration season.
22nd of December 2018
6.00PM onwards
Royal MAS Arena


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