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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Shall We Dance 2013

Shall We Dance '13, an event hosted by RMIT students of Brandix College of clothing Technology and Management for the second consecutive year with a new unique, creative theme and a 3 month plan with the active organizing committee had exploited out to bring about this event happening on November 30th Saturday 2013 in a splendid manner in college history with VIP guests, Degree Holders, College Staff and current students.
Shall We Dance 2013

Shall We Dance '13, an event hosted by RMIT students of Brandix College of clothing Technology and Management for the second consecutive year with a new unique, creative theme and a 3 month plan with the active organizing committee had exploited out to bring about this event happening on November 30th Saturday 2013 in a splendid manner in college history with VIP guests, Degree Holders, College Staff and current students.

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