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iCON - AIESEC Intern Conference '14

Bringing together exchange participants from all over the world who are doing their internships in Sri Lanka this peak, iCon ’14, AIESEC Intern Conference was held on 25th January at the Civil Auditorium, University of Moratuwa. The sessions intended to support foreign interns to get the maximum productivity out of their experience, bare the cultural shock and to empower their leadership journey altogether.
iCON - AIESEC Intern Conference '14

Bringing together exchange participants from all over the world who are doing their internships in Sri Lanka this peak, iCon ’14, AIESEC Intern Conference was held on 25th January at the Civil Auditorium, University of Moratuwa. The sessions intended to support foreign interns to get the maximum productivity out of their experience, bare the cultural shock and to empower their leadership journey altogether.

Digitally Retouched By : Ignatious Jayathilake
Administrator/Photographer at

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