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Save a Life Blood Donation Camp

Save a Life  Blood Donation Camp

Save a Life  Blood Donation Camp
Do you know that every 1 in 3 persons will need blood in his or her lifetime? However, do you know that only 1 in 30 people currently donate blood?
If you, or one of your loved ones, have ever needed blood, you already appreciate the importance of donating blood. Many people are alive today because of generous and voluntary, blood donors who give blood regularly for no charge. When someone close to us needs blood, we just expect the blood to be available, but this is not always the case as only a small minority in the community are committed to donate blood. Those who give blood are united by their generosity and the desire to give something back to the community. is a group of blood donors and volunteers in Sri Lanka, which takes advantage of social media networks for the purpose of organizing blood donation campaigns, and also to promote and encourage the donation of blood as a way of life for those who are gifted with good health. This group is committed to raise awareness in the community that those who can have an obligation to donate blood on a regular basis, for the sake of many who desperately need it.
Together, we have compiled a database of regular/on-request donors who have, in many instances, come forward to donate blood on request to someone desperately needing blood in a hospital.
In coordination with the Blood Bank of the Cancer Hospital, Maharagama, we have organized our 3rd blood donation camp to be held on the 24th of November 2012 at the Cancer Hospital premises from 8 am to 4 pm.

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